
Easily create and see data in familiar spreadsheet layouts.


Build automatically

Save setup time with automated layouts and calculations.

Workbook and data sheet

Lead with data

See key summary and detailed information and analysis that uses real-time data.


Increase understanding 

Share data in familiar, easy-to-interpret spreadsheet-like layouts.

Build automatically

Ready-to-use: Use the automated generation of financial worksheets that create ready-to-use financial analysis, saving setup time.

Consistent layouts: Create using standardised pre-built templates that ensure uniformity and make it easier to compare and understand data.

Real-time: Access the latest data automatically with centralised logic, making all worksheets reflect the latest data and eliminating discrepancies and outdated versions.

Ratios without thinking: Include financial ratios, such as ROI and NPV automatically, to save time and reduce manual errors.

Lead with data

Holistic View: See all key data in a single table, giving decision-makers a comprehensive overview.

Detailed drill-downs: Start with summaries and drill into specific details, providing clarity at every level of analysis.

Group measures: Add related benefits or measures to the same parts of the worksheets to create single values that simplify comparisons and analysis.

Compare options: Use multiple worksheets to analyse different costs, benefits, or options, helping you decide on priorities.

Increase understanding

Be familiar: Use worksheets as Managers are comfortable with spreadsheets, so data is easy to interpret and use.

Design your look: Tailor layouts to match your individual and organisational preferences to ensure your data is presented effectively.

Mix it up: Include non-financial values in a familiar format, creating a complete picture of performance.

Cumulative values: Have Wovex automatically calculate cumulative totals, giving clear insights into long-term trends and impacts.

Accessibility: Present complex financial and non-financial data in simple, digestible tables and charts.

Put it all together

Workbooks are just the start. Use them with Wovex’s goals and reporting features to get greater value for less effort.


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Workbooks are included in the Enterprise plan.

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A Workbook is like an Excel file. It is about a specific project or projects.

A Workbook contains one or more worksheets that have rows and columns containing values and text, etc. These are like the data shown on the familiar tabs in Excel.

In a Workbook, all of its Worksheets share the same standard set of columns, e.g. 10 years of data from 2025-34.

Worksheets can be copied and updated to show different levels of detail and scenarios. For example, what if costs were 20% higher, and benefits 10% less? Let’s just show certain costs in summary on one, in detail in another.

Some questions you will get asked for projects are:

  • What is its ROI, NPV, and Payback period?
  • For every dollar/pound/euro, etc. spent, how much will I get back?
  • What are the discounted and non-discounted cashflows over time?
  • Show me a breakdown of all the costs, financial benefits and totals over time.

Wovex automatically provides answers to all these questions in a familiar worksheet format, with just three main questions:

  1. Time: How many years to do for?
  2. Select the measures for the costs – one or more.
  3. Select the measures for the financial gains – one or more.

Wovex generates a spreadsheet you can view, download and edit.

You can even use it to start answering questions about what would happen if things (costs, benefits, inflation, etc.) did not go according to plan.

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