Ideas generation

Automate suggestions for benefits, measures and maps so you get more done for less effort.


Analyse text like an expert

Get expert assistance to work faster, easier and with better results.

Workbook and data sheet

Build automatically

Use generated suggestions to build benefits, measures and maps.

Analyse text like an expert

No expertise needed: Have the power of an expert assistant to help you, providing precision, speed, and innovation.

Extract relevant benefits: Have Wovex scan large volumes of text from documents and websites, pinpointing benefits explicitly or implicitly mentioned.

New ideas: Get ideas for benefits you might not have considered from analysis of patterns and connections in text.

Avoid missing key points: Ensure no critical benefits or insight is overlooked by systematically analyzing all available text.

Contextual understanding: Wovex uses advanced natural language processing to understand nuanced text, ensuring relevant benefits are extracted even from complex documents.

Wovex AI map example

Build automatically

Fill gaps: Get suggestions for benefits that complement the ones you have so map building becomes effortless.

Less thinking: Focus on strategy and decision-making rather than data processing, as Wovex does the heavy lifting with map creation.

Faster maps: Create maps using suggestions, so create them in a fraction of the time compared to using the manual alone.

Faster measures: Ensure clarity and accountability on measures by having suggestions to discuss and avoiding common pushback to avoid measurement.

Trigger ideas: Enhance and expand your ideas by reviewing complementary or alternative benefits and measure suggestions.

Put it all together

Ideas generation is just the start. Use them with Wovex’s other features to get greater value for less effort.


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Still have questions? We have answers.

Ideas generation is included in the Starter, Advanced and Enterprise plans. The Personal plan does not include this. Learn about pricing, or try Wovex Starter for free.

The Wovex benefits realisation platform can significantly transform how text is analysed and identifies benefits and measures.

  • For Users: Instantly get benefits and measure suggestions to save time and reduce cognitive effort.
    Use these to automatically build maps, having the items and links added for you.
  • For Organisations: Increases efficiency, consistency, and innovation in identifying standard and reusable benefits and measures.
  • For Teams: Promotes collaboration by aligning everyone on well-reasoned, data-backed outcomes.

Wovex AI is like having a personal expert on benefits realisation—analysing, generating, and building the best path to success with minimal effort and maximum impact.

No. All our use of AI includes instructing our provider to not remember or learn from anything passed to in or returned.

There are options in Wovex to turn off the AI functionality if required.

Change smarter with Wovex

Discover why top-performing teams upgrade from generic tools to Wovex for smarter, more impactful results.